polaroid paintings
the scraps of watercolor paper on my desk and daydreaming about where I’d rather be (during quarantine) led to this series of paintings. some of the smallest and most fun to create.
somewhere in south africa | 4.75” x 5” | watercolor on paper
somewhere in new hampshire | 4.75” x 5” | watercolor on paper
“in all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.”
(above) the first and one of my favorite of the polaroid series. it seems that most of my favorite paintings are created when I have no expectation of what they will be - just a fleeting thought that becomes a picture on the page.
somewhere i’d rather be | 4.75” x 5” | watercolor on paper
works in progress | 4.75” x 5” | watercolor on paper
abstractions | 4.75” x 5” | watercolor on paper