about the art(ist)

hi, my name is kim boursy

not a career or business - painting has always been a passion and way to put my thoughts on paper.

mostly inspired by colors in nature and the mood I am in, I paint to express and create a feeling. most of the work in my collections is fuzzy realism, or what some people call impressionism.

I tend to draw inspiration from Turner, Monet, Van Gogh, and O'Keeffe among other local and more modern artists. I have a tendency to be more inspired by who an artist is than what they paint, because after all - who they are is the inspiration for what they paint.

a goal of mine is to make viewing artwork less intimidating, pretentious and elite - and more approachable, fun and engaging. I hope this site conveys that and allows you to be a part of an experience that brings you joy.
